Journeying from Research to Innovation: Lessons from the Department for International Development's Crop Post-Harvest Research Programme "Partnerships for Innovation" Final Report


When the Crop Post-Harvest Programme began to implement its ‘Partnerships for Innovation’ strategy in 2002, the management team decided to commission an evaluation of this approach in order for future programmes to learn from our experiences.
From the start of this study, Andrew Barnett has been a most thorough evaluator, both in reviewing the literature and mass of documentation passed to him, and through interviews of a wide range of stakeholders in the UK and overseas. He has offered us all the opportunity to comment on early drafts of his work and this final report.
The Programme would like to thank all those who have given freely of their time and opinions to feed into this study – without which it could not have happened.
The final product, this report, is rich in experiences and lessons for future research programmes. It does not shy away from pointing out where things may have been done differently. I trust its contents will be of use to all those involved in funding, managing, implementing and monitoring/evaluating natural resources research, or innovation, programmes.

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