Issues of Water Management in Agriculture: Compilation of Essays


The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture (CA), takes stock of the global situation in managing water for agriculture, provides key additional information in this field, and scopes out future research and action needs. The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CP Water and Food) will follow up on the recommendations of the CA to provide critical knowledge in the public domain, and turn this knowledge into action towards solving the world’s water problems. This book contains essays from lead scientists from partner organizations in these initiatives. Topics include, water and poverty; water rights; agriculture and environment; improving water productivity; water savings in agriculture; rainwater and food production; fisheries; and sustainable groundwater use. The essays analyze problems, as well as provide suggestions for the way forward. As the authors were asked to express their opinions frankly, their suggestions may be thought-provoking or even controversial.

Work regions: 
Latin America | Global
Publication Type: 
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