I Convocatoria - Reunion Anual de AAG de 2005

Wednesday, 21 July, 2004 - 00:00

Sírvase encontrar adjunto la Primera Convocatoria de
para las sesiones del Grupo de la Especialidad de Geografía
de la Montaña en la Reunión Anual de AAG de 2005 en Denver,

Quienes estén interesados en participar en estas sesiones, sírvase enviar el
título y el resumen de su artículo/cartel lo antes posible aUlrich Kamp,
E-MAIL: ukamp@depaul.edu,

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
5-9 April 2005, Denver, CO


Sessions of the Mountain Geography Specialty Group

Dear Colleague and Mountain Enthusiast:

To strengthen the focus on mountains, the Mountain Geography Specialty Group
(MGSG) of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) is organizing special
sessions on various aspects of Mountain Geography at the next annual meeting,
April 5-9, 2005 in Denver, Colorado.

You are invited to contribute to the MGSG sessions by presenting a paper,
poster or illustrated paper in special sessions on Mountain Geography. We would
also encourage you to propose and organize special sessions that you feel
reflect an important mountain theme. If your work is in mountains, about
mountains, or is relevant to the broader role mountains play globally (e.g.
mountains as water towers of the world), please consider joining us in one of
the special sessions. If you are already planning to submit to another special
session, but your topic includes mountains, please contact Ulrich Kamp (address
below) regarding possible co-sponsorship of special sessions.

The abstract deadline for papers and illustrated papers is OCTOBER 21st for
papers and illustrated papers. The deadline for poster presentations is OCTOBER
28th. Here is what you need to do. Follow the directions on the AAG website (http://www.aag.org). First, you must register for
the meeting, preferably online. AAG will process your registration and then
allow you to submit an abstract online. No abstracts will be accepted that are
not submitted online. You will receive an acknowledgment from AAG that will
include a program identification number (PIN). You should then forward your PIN,
title of presentation and abstract to Ulrich Kamp at the address below. The
abstracts received will be organized into special sessions. If you are planning
to organize or already organizing a session and have already contacted
colleagues, please let Ulrich know so that they will be placed in the correct
session. The Mountain Geography Specialty Group looks forward to your

Ulrich Kamp, Ph.D

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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