Revista Internacional sobre Servicios de Aprendizaje

Wednesday, 30 May, 2007 - 00:00

Presentamos la revista International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, que contiene una serie de interesantes artículos electrónicos con información de trabajos originales de estudiantes e investigadores enfocados en servicios de aprendizaje en ingeniería, especialización en servicios o pedagogía de los servicios de aprendizaje.

Puede revisar el último número de abril del 2007, como los dos anteriores, en la web de la revista. Todos los artículos están en idioma inglés.

The International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering (IJSLE)

The IJSLE is a peer-reviewed electronic journal offered free, semi-annually, over the WWWeb. The Journal welcomes manuscripts based on original work of students and researchers with a specific focus or implication for service learning in engineering, engineering entrepreneurship in service, or related service learning pedagogy.

Volume 2, No. 1 - April 2007

  • Service-Learning Case Study in Heat Transfer. Nihad Dukhan, Mark R. Schumack, John J. Daniels, and Michael G. Jenkins

  • A Wind Powered, White LED Lighting System for the Kibera Slum of Nairobi. Brian Thomas

  • Integrating Service Learning in Enginering Clinics. Yusuf Mehta, and Beena Sukumaran

Volume 1, No. 2 - September 2006

  • Learning and Service in Engineering and Global Development. Donna Riley and Alan H. Bloomgarden

  • Assessment of Wheelchair Technology in Tanzania. Amos G. Winter, V

  • Design of Solar Ovens for use in the Developing World. Rachel Martin, Timothy Bond, John Erickson, Morgan Rog, Cyprienne Crowley, Robert Hutchins, Grayson Fahrner, Kay Lai, Avi Guter, Jack Steiner, and Melissa Wrolstad

  • A Portable Sisal Decorticator for Kenyan Farmers. Benjamin J. Snyder, Joe Bussard, Jim Dolak, and Tim Weiser

Volume 1, No. 1 - April 2006

  • Service Learning in Engineering and Science for Sustainable Development

  • Learning Sustainable Design through Service. Karim Al-Khafaji and Margaret Catherine Morse

  • Redesigning an Appropriate Technology Shredder for Manufacture in a Developing Country. Jeffrey Weiss, Camille George, and John Walker

  • A Portable and Sustainable Computer Education Project for Developing Countries - Phase I. Jordi Ros, Christine Lee, Michael Bruce, Charlie Fan, Regina Quan, and Henry Pai

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