
En Colombia la gestión del agua esta enfocada básicamente en el suministro de agua potable para el consumo humano y la protección del recurso hídrico. Las instituciones con roles definidos en el manejo del líquido conforman el sector agua potable y saneamiento básico.Bajo esta lógica, los usuarios del recurso, han sido catalogados como domésticos, comerciales, industriales e institucionales y los incipientes avances en la ordenación del recurso han estado orientados a satisfacer las demandas de estos sectores. La reglamentación existente en cuanto a calidad de agua, diseño y construcción...
SIAMAZONIA es una red descentralizada y organizada entre entidades y especialistas que generan o manejan información sobre la diversidad biológica y ambiental de la Amazonía peruana.La información se presenta libremente en Intyernet para múltiples fines en la sociedad, gestionando conocimiento para contribuir a la conservación y uso sostenible de la Amazonía.Es un ainiciativa liderada por el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP), en el marco del Proyecto BIODAMAZ, convenio entre Perú y Finlandia.
1.1.1 Watersheds cover almost half of the developing world land mass and provide services of decreasing quality a nd quantity despite increasing demand. They are potentially the world’s largest asset class after real estate, if markets can be developed around them. As markets for these services emerge from pilot to scale they have the potential to impact on poor people forgood or for bad.1.1.2. Policy Learning in Action: Developing Markets for Watershed Protection Services and Improved Livelihoods (Implementation phase), is a multi-donor learning initiative that engages in across-country...
Valuation studies have considerably increased our knowledge of the value of ecosystems. Their usefulness has often been undermined, however, by a failure to properly frame them so as to address the specific question of interest. Unfortunately, environmental advocates in the media, government, business, and civil society have often seized on impressive but sometimes unsound valuation results and used them indiscriminately, and often inappropriately.Valuation is not a single activity, and the seemingly simple question ‘how valuable is an ecosystem? can be interpreted in many different ways....
This report is particularly intended for use by project managers who may have specialized knowledge in particular fields but who may need a broader framework for inquiry addressing the site-specific context of a PWES initiative. A closely related purpose of this report is to help project managers organize a broad range of information in a way that is relevant and useful for decision-making. The report should also enable organizations and government officials interested in developing such initiatives, or donors interested in supporting their development, to evaluate opportunities and have a...
Esta presentación hace un resumen de los metodos de valoración económica de bienes y servicios ambientales, tambien nos muestra el concepto y las características de los bienes ambientales, haciendo diferencia entre los bienes y servicios ambientales. DEspues entra en el tema de Pago por servicios ambientales, poniendo ejemplos de Centro America en donde se valoran distintos bienes y servicios.
The plea for a sustainable development path and the need to cope with transboundary and globalpollution issues requires the development of new and effective policies in which economic instruments have an important role to play.The importance of economic instruments for environmental policy is emphasized in both the RioDeclaration and Agenda 21, where it was stressed that the use of economic instruments represents a tool for national authorities to promote the internalization of environmental costs and to apply the polluter-pays principle in the most efficient manner. They provide a means...
This report was prepared for a hemisphere-wide project entitled “Payments for Environmental Services in the Americas.” Sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by Programa Salvadoreño de Investigación Sobre Desarollo y Medio Ambiente (PRISMA), the initiative explores the opportunities, challenges, and risks associated with PES mechanisms in rural farming and indigenous communities. The objective is that the insights gathered from the undertaking will assist in the design of policies that not only increase the provision of environmental services, but also help to alleviate rural...
Insufficient investment is being made in protected areas, and innovative approaches are required for generating the additional financial support required.The need for additional resources arises from the imbalance between a country's needs for managing protected areas on the one hand, and the ability of the country to mobilize resources on the other. Resources can be augmented through existing mechanisms such as the fiscal system, user charges, resource rent capture, and privatization, as well as through new mechanisms such as environmental taxes, betterment charges, and so forth. Even so...

