
This case study is about changing attitudes and approaches to food research in Ghana. Over a period of about 10 years a series of research projects tried to find ways of developing new markets for cassava, a crop mainly grown by poor farm households. Central to this research was an attempt to drive market creation through the development of novel cassava-based products. The case study describes the way, particularly in the early stages, the incentives and structures of the research organisation and funding mechanism caused scientists to approach this research theme in certain ways....
The paper explores the implications of rural livelihood diversity for agricultural innovation policies. It summarises literature on the nature of rural poverty, with particular emphasis on the relative roles of farm and non-farm income. It also reviews the various roles, direct and indirect, that agricultural innovation can play in rural poverty reduction. Finally, it uses an agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS) perspective to argue for a differentiated approach to targeting agricultural innovations, based on an analysis of rural assets.
The purpose of this document is to present and discuss alternatives for stimulating the development and improving the performance of agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS), with the goal of contributing to poverty reduction. The paper is based on an extensive review of recent literature. In line with the concept of AKIS, our analysis emphasizes the impact on poverty of agricultural innovation processes, and the recommendations aim primarily at the institutional factors that can favor poverty-reducing innovation in agriculture.
Technological innovations based on the propositions generated through this paradigm have played a profound role in the extraordinary productivity growth that has occurred in agriculture across the globe.
This report serves as input to USAID/LAC’s “Rural Prosperity White Paper” which will help guide discussion at an upcoming USAID/LAC conference and subsequent strategy exercise where as appropriate, greater specificity will be developed. To address the challenge in the seven days provided, I reviewed LAC/BBEG background analytical pieces, and met with senior science and technology leaders, donors and sector institutions, and USAID staff. A list of contacts and bibliography is attached.
There is often a perception that the primary objective of science and technology (S&T) policy is the further development of the manufacturing sector. Policy-makers also need to consider the application of S&T to and the role of technological innovation in the development of service-based industries. These industries have many attractions for both in developed or developing economies - they are often labour-intensive, environmentally sound, and usually consistent with the objectives of sustainable development.
En este trabajo se presenta una versión general de los avances que Chile a logrado en los últimos veinte años en el ámbito científico-tecnológico y de la situación que ha alcanzado el país a comienzos del siglo XXI. Chile está hoy en una posición singular de su historia. Puede constituirse en un país desarrollado y en esa transformación, las actividades científico-tecnológicas y de innovación juegan un rol importante.
Uno de los retos de competitividad que enfrentan las empresas centroamericanas, es el de presentar en el mercado productos o procesos empresariales diferenciados e innovadores ante sus clientes, y donde esas innovaciones tengan un valor para estos consumidores. Las experiencias de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) en la región, ha mostrado que las empresas tienen algunos mitos que les impide innovar, entre los cuales podemos mencionar: · La innovación es solamente privilegio para una minoría de empresas grandes y transnacionales...
Este artículo acalara la diferencia entre investigación e innovación, la importancia d ela innovación en una empresa y los requisitos necesarios para desarrollarla.
Se constata a partir de una ervisión histórica sobre los factores que caracterizan a los procesos de innovación que los nuevox enfoques sobre el cambio tecnológico han aportado la posibilidad de introducir argumentos para una valorización de aspectos relacionados con el territorio conexos a los procesos de innovación. Los Sistemas Nacionales de Innovación reconocen sus limitaciones en cuanto a sus posibilidades para poder extraer elementos de orden práctico en la aplicación de políticas para el cambio tecnológico.
