
Contiene la propuesta del Proyecto Desarrollo de Alianzas Estratégicas con pequeños productores rurales: Diseño, implementación y evaluación en el Ecuador, el cual tiene como objetivo iniciar la recapitalización del campo.
Con el liderazgo del IICA y la participación de 25 instituciones y 34 técnicos se llevó a cabo un taller en Ibarra, los días 15 y 16 de marzo, para la construcción de una propuesta para desarrollar las Empresas Locales de Servicios (ELS) en el Ecuador. Se seleccionaron cuatro bleques temáticos: a) Funciones, organización y montaje, b) Servicios de apoyo para el establecimiento, c) Institucionalidad de las empresas, d) Sostenibilidad. En cada una de ellos se nombró un lider que haciendo una revisión de y sistesis de un cuestionamiento contestado previamente con los participantes,...
For many years the CGIAR centres have recognized the value of inter-centre and multi-institutional collaboration. They have established mechanisms for working closely with partner institutions within the CGIAR and with a large range of institutions in developing and developed countries. This is exemplified by the numerous and variednetworks and consortia involving CGIAR centres already in existence. With TXC’s proposal, endorsed by the CGIAR, to introduce and fund system-wide programmes and ecoregional initiatives, it was considered timely to review their governance and management.
In 1999, the COSTBOX project was started to develop methodologies for effective introduction of decision support tools to African NARES, NGOs, and universities. The first major activity of the project was to conduct a survey on the causes of non adoption of systems analysis as a tool in agricultural decision-making. Results pointed to causes such as lack of involvement of clients in projects that attempt to introduce systems analysis, the fact that in many modeling projects the problem is defined in such a way that it fits the model instead of the other way round, the complexity of some...
The World Bank’s new rural development strategy calls for the “identification and scaling-up of good practice investments within a country, between countries, and between regions. There will also be... increased emphasis on piloting new and innovative approaches that reflect the dynamic economic, social, environmental, and institutionalcontext of rural development, and the potential of heightening the impact of positive externalities for the rural poor.”
The report is based on a desk study of the following types of documents: multi-program reviews of ecoregional initiatives, reviews and evaluations carried out or commissioned by the CGIAR centers, reports of workshops or other meetings on ecoregional programs, and reviews and evaluations commissioned by the Ecoregional Fund to Support Methodological Initiatives. We also had access to some complementary documents, such as reports of meetings, and to information on the web pages of the programs or the Centers that lead them.
The possible expansion of agricultural land is limited to a few areas of South America and Africa, but the production potential of much of this unexploited land is likely to be marginal, due to inherent constraints of soil structure and rapid nutrient depletion. Production increases from fertile lands are also reported to be declining.
Este documento contiene ejemplos de casos de implementación de políticas de desarrollo sustentable del mundo, como, la adopción de nuevas formas de gestión de agua, nuevos sistemas agrarios, conservación de la Biodiversidad, Ordenamiento Territorial y la internalizacion de las externalidades.

