
El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar, a través de cuatro estudios elaborados por expertos latinoamericanos para el Comité Técnico Asesor para América del Sur (SAMTAC) de la Asociación Mundial para el Agua (GWP), y para la GWP Centroamérica, la situación actual y perspectivas de la administración del agua en Chile, Ecuador y Perú, y además, en forma resumida, en Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá.
Este documento es el resultado del estudio realizado en la provincia de Oxapampa, Pasco. Esta ciudad tiene cuatro areas nacionales protegidas, de las cuales tres son prioridad del estudio. El objetivo del estudio es la documentación de la flora amazónica, completando el trabajo realizado por Brako & Zarucchi.
Water Policy Briefing Series, Issue 12 - January, 2005Fisheries, the harvesting of wild fish and other aquatic animals, often play a valuable role in livelihood strategies that is not readily replaced by the development of irrigated agriculture. Despite this, the impacts of irrigation development and management on fisheries are seldom considered. Viewing fisheries and irrigation within an integrated and participatory management framework ensures that livelihoods and food security are enhanced rather than hurt by irrigation development. And it provides an opportunity to increase theoverall...
It is often thought that models are limited to algebraic representations and, as such, are hard to construct or interpret. This puts up an artificial barrier to mathematical models that often prevents an evolutionary approach to thinking about them. For this book, the point is to see mathematical models as a practical extension of the graphical models with which we started our micro economic analysis. Mathematical models allow us to explore many more dimensions and interactions than graphical representations, but often we can usefully use simple graphical examples to clarify a mathematical...
PPLPI Policy BriefPolitical and macro-economic constraints frequently limit livestock;s potencial contribution to improving rural livelihoods. Understanding these political frameworks is key to creating successful policies and proyects in the sector. In Senegal, aproximately one-third of all households depend on livestock for some portion of their livelihood. Yet, the sector has not received significant state or private investment, nor has it received a significant amount of bi-lateral and international assistance. Poor producers in the sector remain relatively unogarnised and...
PPLPI Policy BriefWhat are the political measures that might be taken to advance the interests of poor livestock producers in developing countries given the political economy context within which the policies that affect them are being shaped? To answer this question a team of researchers from the University of California, Berkeley carried out a series of six case studies – in Bolivia, Ethiopia, India, Senegal, Vietnam and (as an example of the effects of the ‘global north’) the European Union.
PPLPI Policy BriefThe livestock sector has significant potential for improving the livelihoods of landless people and small and marginal farmers, who comprise the majority of India's rural poor.
PPLPI Policy BriefPolicy instruments fall into three main groups A) Price policies, B) Institucional Policies and C) Policies promoting technological change.
PPLPI Policiy BriefPressures for market liberalisation and provatisation have affected the provision of services to livestock keepers in most developing countries. Some services previusly provided by governments have bee reduced or totally withdrawn, while attempts have been made encourage private sector provision in place of the government services. The rationale underpinning choise about which services to privatise was introduced by World Bank in the early 1990s and is founded in traditional welfare economics, whitc focuses on "outcome" efficiency.
Con la participación de expertos y profesionales de distintos países, se realizó en Lima el Simposio Internacional sobre Tecnologías Alternativas de Agua y Saneamiento en Pequeñas Localidades, del 5 al 7 de abril del 2004. El Simposio fue un espacio de intercambio de experiencias, de enlaces entre las instituciones del sector, y difusión de los conocimientos y éxitos logrados en el uso de nuevas tecnologías. Asimismo, fue una oportunidad para iniciar una discusión en el sector acerca del paradigma predominante que sirve de base en el diseño de los proyectos para proveer servicios de agua y...

