ecosystem services
The world's mountains host some of the most complex, dynamic and diverse ecosystems. But these environments are under severe threat, ranging from local deforestation and soil degradation to global climate change
Global climate models project stronger...
The Technical Appendix of the Ecosystem Services Review for Impact Assessment (ESR for IA) is now available on-line!
Global Water Partnership (GWP) is introducing several new publications at World Water Week 2014: two GWP Technical Committee Background Papers, one Perspectives Paper, one Briefing Note and one...
ICIMOD International conference on Mountain People Adapting to Change Solutions Beyond Boundaries Bridging Science, Policy and Practice - Kathmandu, Nepal - 9-12 November 2014: Special Poster Session for Young Change-Makers
How to balance use of ecosystem services—such as clean water and air—with preservation of the environments that provide such benefits? In Peru, citizens and private sector actors have long been collaborating to establish rewards mechanisms that aim to ensure the continued provision of...
Ecosystem services provided by high Andean wetlands must be understood in order to ensure their conservation. Therefore, as part of the High Andean Wetlands Initiative, BirdLife International...
Systematic evaluation of the environmental and socioeconomic effects of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) programs is crucial for guiding policy design and implementation. We evaluated the performance of the Natural Forest Conservation Program (...
Today marks the first day of the Agriculture and Ecosystems Blog focal month on Ecosystem Services. For the next four weeks, we will be featuring posts that highlight ecosystem services approaches to agricultural development. ...
An important achievement in the process of assessing ecosystem services in Llanganates was the involvement of local people, the direct beneficiaries and users of ecosystem goods and services within the region....