When exploring pathways for sustainable development, knowledge about context matters just as much as our understanding of global processes. Papers in Open Issue (Vol 36, No 1) of Mountain...

Mountain forests play a key role in securing mountain livelihoods by providing timber, fuelwood, food, fodder, and medicine. In addition to these provisioning services, they offer cultural services as well as locally and globally significant regulating and supporting services such as...

Walter Silvera

Nota enviada en inglés por Mountain Research and Development


La Conferencia sobre Desarrollo Sostenible (Río+20) se esfuerza por integrar el concepto de economía verde en el contexto más amplio del desarrollo sostenible. La probabilidad de que la...

In 2015, with Future Earth and SDG activities, sustainability ranks high on the research and development agendas. Both international efforts are reflected in the orientation of MRD. Papers in this Open Issue explore how Indian farmers’ engagement in a pro-poor value chain can improve...

A decade after MRD’s last issue dedicated to women in mountains, this special issue provides evidence of the progress made in gender research on sustainable development in mountains. At the same time, it offers important insights into what still needs to be done. MountainDevelopment...

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