Traditionally, Ethiopia is referred the water tower of Africa. The abundant water resources are manifested by rivers, underground water, ponds and lakes. The availability of seasonal rainfall in Kiremt and Belg seasons makes the water volume to increase. In...
The Andean Forests Program together with the ASEAN Social Forestry Network, African Forest Forum and the Global Program on Climate Change of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation organized a joint session...
At the height of the last ice age, there were massive glaciers in Africa's Rwenzori Mountains. Now, scientists have found that changes in air temperature rather than precipitation were what drove the expansion and contraction of these glaciers. This could have implications for...
by Fred Pearce
Kenya’s high-elevation forests are the source for most of the water on which the drought-plagued nation depends. Now, after decades of government-abetted abuse of these regions, a new conservation strategy of working with local communities...
Aquae Fundación ha lanzado la campaña 'WaterDate 3' para celebrar, de una manera lúdica y educativa, el Día Mundial del Agua, que este año se dedica al Desarrollo Sostenible. 'WaterDate 3', está...
Nueva York, marzo 13, 2015 (SEMlac/SeMéxico).- En América Latina y el Caribe en el 58 por ciento de los países las mujeres tienden a sufrir inseguridad alimentaria severa en mayores proporciones respecto a los hombres. En África esta situación se reporta en el 47 por ciento de los...
Hasta octubre de este año, la única fuente de ingresos de la agricultora Allen Nambozo eran las coles, zanahorias y bananas que cultivaba en las laderas del monte Elgon, en el oriental distrito ugandés de Bulambuli. Pero desde que las lluvias arrasaron su pequeña finca no tiene idea...
ENVIRONMENTAL experts have identified strategic actions to address key issues of conservation and development challenges of biodiversity, water, energy, food security and climate change in African Mountain regions.
The strategies are an outcome of a recent forum held in Arusha...
Mountain ecosystems enrich the lives of over half of the world’s population as a source of water, energy, agriculture and other essential goods and services. Unfortunately, while the impact of climate change is accentuated at high altitude, such regions are often on the edge of...