
In preparation for the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will take place in Paris during the period 30 November – 11 December, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat in collaboration...

Lausanne, Apr. 14th, 2016

In the Himalayan region, women are the pillars of the rural economies and yet, despite some progress, they continue to face more obstacles to development than men, as a result of gender-based discrimination.

In November 2014,...

About 5,500 glaciers could disappear or drastically retreat by the end of the century with severe impacts on farming and hydropower, say scientists

Most of the glaciers in the Mount Everest region will disappear or drastically retreat as temperatures increase with...

El Cntro de Investigaciones de Zonas Áridas de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) está organizando la primera conferencia previa al Simposio Latinoamericano: "Domesticación y manejo de recursos genéticos"...

Aquae Fundación ha lanzado la campaña 'WaterDate 3' para celebrar, de una manera lúdica y educativa, el Día Mundial del Agua, que este año se dedica al Desarrollo Sostenible. 'WaterDate 3', está...

Nueva York, marzo 13, 2015 (SEMlac/SeMéxico).- En América Latina y el Caribe en el 58 por ciento de los países las mujeres tienden a sufrir inseguridad alimentaria severa en mayores proporciones respecto a los hombres. En África esta situación se reporta en el 47 por ciento de los...

The international conference titled ‘Mountain People Adapting to Change: Solutions Beyond Boundaries Bridging Science, Policy, and Practice’ will be held from 9–12 November 2014 in Kathmandu, Nepal as ICIMOD’s annual flagship event. The conference...

When Shyam Goel, 21, won admission to Mumbai's Marine Engineering & Research Institute, he was overjoyed.

The facilities could not be better. The school-affiliated hostel where he would live was neat. Yet two years later, he regrets leaving his hometown of Lucknow, in the...

As the final countdown begins to the UN climate summit in Paris, some key issues are coming to the fore. One that I have a keen interest in is the need for greater links between climate change mitigation and adaptation, with experience from India showing the many benefits that this...

The three-day Sustainable Mountain Development Summit–IV, which concluded here on Friday, urged the Centre to consider evolving a mechanism to pay the hilly states for critical ecosystem services provided to the rest of the country.

The summit was organised by the Sustainable...


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