The Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership starts today, September 17, in the city of Erzurum (Turkey), where there are around 35 representatives of the countries of the world and more than 100 members, included CONDESAN.
...The General Assembly welcomed the offer of the Government of Tajikistan to host in August 2013 in Dushanbe the high-level international conference on water cooperation in its resolution A/RES/67/204 on the "Implementation of the International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013". The...
As part of the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), TERI has made an assessment of the risk and vulnerability of the city of Guwahati (Assam, India) and has prepared a detailed City Resilience Strategy (CRS).
The focus of TERI's assessment is to...
About 75 per cent of emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region suffer from low levels of water security, with millions still living without safe water supplies and sanitation facilities, according to a study...
The Mountain Research Initiative and the DendroLab at the University of Nevada/Reno will hold in Reno a Global Fair and Workshop on Mountain Observatories, examining how we gather data on mountain social, biological and abiotic systems. It will also be an opportunity to visit state-of...