
Water Policy Briefing Series - Issue 15 - October 2005

New research shows that, in many parts of the world, not enough water is being left in rivers to sustain the valuable environmental services that they provide to society. This is jeopardizing species that depend on fresh...

Por invitación de la Organización Mundial del Turismo en su calidad de organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas, un grupo representativo de dirigentes gubernamentales, del sector turístico, de otros organismos de las Naciones Unidas y de la sociedad civil se reunió en Nueva York...

The Final Conference of the Ecoregional Fund was held in the Windsor Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya on September 21 - 22, 2005.

This Conference was by invitation only and brought together a small
group of around 30 international experts on policy making and

En el presente documento se enuncia la estrategia del Instituto Internacional de Investigación sobre Políticas Alimentarias (IFPRI) para la próxima década. Este es un momento oportuno para repasar la estrategia del IFPRI ya que el hambre y la malnutrición en el mundo en desarrollo...

Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) refers to the analysis of the distributional impact of policy reforms on the well-being or welfare of different stakeholder groups, with particular focus on the poor and vulnerable. This Sourcebook is part of a growing and collaborative...

CA. Discussion Paper No. 1

The purpose of this review was to evaluate the extent to which the current scientific literature allows us to determine and quantify the ecological costs and benefits of irrigated agriculture in wetland ecosystems of the developing countries, and to...

The first part of the book reviews the range of institutional options available for water rights reformers to consider, combine, and adapt in improving water allocation. Authors in the second part of the book build on their experience in Australia, Mexico, and other countries to...

In 2000, transgenes were detected in local maize varieties (landraces) in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. This region is part of the Mesoamerican center of origin for maize, and the genetic diversity that is maintained in open-pollinated landraces is recognized as an important genetic...

Water Front Magazine, No.1 Abril 2005

En este número destaca un reporte especial sobre los impactos del Tsunami en los ecosistemas de la Costa de Sri Lanka.

Water Policy Briefing Series, Issue 12 - January, 2005

Fisheries, the harvesting of wild fish and other aquatic animals, often play a valuable role in livelihood strategies that is not readily replaced by the development of irrigated agriculture. Despite this, the impacts of...


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