
Abstracts for the I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions are still being accepted. Researchers, practitioners, experts and decision-makers...

For researchers trying to figure how to feed a world of 10 billion people later in this century, the great objective over the past decade has been to achieve what they call “sustainable intensification.” It’s an awkward term, not least because of conventional agricultural...

Agricultural growth is a key pathway towards addressing development issues such as food and nutrition insecurity and poverty, which climate change is already exacerbating. And gender may just be the piece of the puzzle that we have been paying ‘lip service’ to for far too long. We...

Brown with rust, two ships stand like stone upright in the yellow sand. The wind swirls salty air around the trawlers, silence echoing across the desert-like scenery. Now part of a graveyard of ships, the boats are all that is left of the harbor at what was once the bustling fishing...

Agriculture has been historically slow to progress under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), but several recent decisions have opened the door for meaningful debate on agricultural issues. 

In 2014 the UNFCCC's Subsidiary Body for Scientific and...

Nearly one in four deaths are linked to unhealthy environments and are avoidable, a new World Health Organisation study...

Let’s face it: technological innovation is attractive. It has solved so many of our problems that people have come to view technology as the key to improving society. The world of policy, big business, investment, and venture capital mirrors (and often leads) this perspective. Tech...

En el mundo hay más de dos mil millones de hectáreas de tierras degradadas y deforestadas. En muchos casos, estos paisajes han perdido su capacidad de proporcionar servicios de ecosistemas que son esenciales para la gente, la vida silvestre y el planeta. La deforestación también puede...

Frente al gran desafío que significa producir papa en zonas áridas, el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) está trabajando simultáneamente en dos frentes. La primera línea de estudio es una técnica denominada ...

La Declaración de Lima, adoptada por aclamación por los más de mil participantes de 120 países presentes en el Congreso, se propone además alinear la gestión de las reservas de biosfera con el programa de desarrollo de Naciones Unidas para 2030 y el Acuerdo sobre el clima alcanzado en...


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