Latin America

Boletín - Número 2, Año 1 - Febrero de 2007

En este número se muestran algunos resultados del estudio de extracción maderera realizado recientemente en la cuenca binacional del Chinchipe asimismo, presenta novedades del proyecto, destaca el éxito del concurso de proyectos en...

Este documento contiene la sínstesis de la Reunión "World Water Week" del 2006, en Stokolmo del 20 al 26 de agosto. Las conclusiones de la reunión estan presentadas por sectores: Conclusiones de políticas, conclusiones científicas, conclusiones de la industria y negocios y conclusiones...

Este documento es una revision exhaustiva de las publicaciones sobre sistema agroforestales realizadas por ICRAF-INIEA y sus aliados en los últimos años, este
texto e1s especialmente útil para aquellos forestales que quieran conocer el estado actual de las aplicaciones de la...

Durante los últimos 13 años, el ICRAF se ha asociado en un trabajo colaborativo con varios socios, en especial con el Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Extensión Agraria (INIEA) de Perú y la Asociación de Productores de Semilla y Germoplasma de Alta Calidad de la Cuenca del...

Rising energy prices, geopolitics and concerns over the impacts of green house gas emissions on climate change are increasing the demand for biofuel production. At present biofuel production is estimated at 35 billion liters, accounting only for a small part of the 1200 billion liters...

The point of departure for this paper is thus that the availability of water is likely to be a determinant of the success of biofuel investments and the impact of biofuel developments on other water users. Overall, such impacts will depend on markets, relative prices between various...

In recent years, bioenergy has drawn attention as a sustainable energy source that may help cope with rising energy prices, but also maybe provide income to poor farmers and rural communities around the globe. Given the numerous and high level of uncertainties regarding future biofuel...

As oil prices have climbed to unprecedented heights the concern over sustainable energy use has intensified globally. Increased energy prices could have direct adverse impacts on some of the world’s largest bread bowls like the IndoGangetic Plains, Northern China, and the western...

Building on the messages from the scenarios, there are some actions the energy business can or should undertake. The Hydro scenario focuses on the requirement water efficient energy technologies. Water must be therefore be recognized as a constraint and integrated in innovation...


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