Latin America

La investigación que sustenta esta publicación fue motivada desde una preocupación central por la equidad y un énfasis especial sobre aquellos “más cercanos” a la tierra. El interés subyacente era explorar si el concepto de PES podría contribuir a superar la inequidad en el acceso y...

These many innovations are generating important lessons, yet they limited in scale, scope and impact. Given the tremendous social benefit of forest services, and the many private and public stakeholders who would gain – both socially and economically -- from greater protection, it is...

Conservation biologists, policy makers, and citizens have identified the protection of native ecosystems in low-income nations as a global social objective. Among the more popular initiatives to achieve this objective is the use of development interventions in the peripheral areas of...

This article explores some common but complex features of agri-environmental relationships that will affect the design of agri-environmental payments programs.
While not critiquing current or proposed policies, the discussion highlights some program design features necessary for an...

Historically, it has been the responsibility of governments to ensure biodiversity protection and provision of ecosystem services. The main instruments to achieve such objectives have been:
• direct resource ownership and management by government agencies,
• public regulation of...

In 2001, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations launched an initiative to facilitate and support the formulation and implementation of policies and institutional changes that have a positive impact on the livelihoods of a large number of the world's poor. In view...

Esta guía de campo está diseñada principalmente para el personal técnico que labora en las áreas protegidas de la Región Andina de Venezuela. Sin embargo, por su planteamiento eminentemente didáctico, resultará de interés para estudiantes, naturalistas y demás interesados en el estudio...

“A 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment" FOCUS Brief, No. 14, december 2006

This brief examines the potential opportunities and risks bioenergy may pose for poor people and farmers in developing countries. The brief consider economic, social, environmental, and...

This is the fifteenth of a series of Working Papers prepared for the Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Iniciative (PPLPI). The purpuse of these papers is to explore issues related to livestock development in the context of poverty alleviation.
Livestock is vital to the economies of many...

InfoResources Focus se publica tres veces al año en inglés, francés y español; es de distribución gratuita y puede ser solicitada en formato PDF o en versión impresa dirigiéndose a la dirección InfoResources es operado...


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