
El Programa Regional para la Gestión Social de Ecosistemas Forestales Andinos (ECOBONA) tiene un profundo interés en generar y difundir los conocimientos sobre la relación entre los bosques andinos y el agua. Para ello, conjuntamente con el Proyecto Páramo Andino se acordó en...

The 2016 World Mountain Forum (WMF) took place from 17-20 October 2016 in Mbale, Uganda. The Forum was preceded by the Special Africa Mountains Event that highlighted key issues affecting mountain ecosystems and communities in Africa, including poverty, climate change, food insecurity...

This edition of Nature...
This policy brief summarises the findings of the MEMOLA project with regard to the impact of European water policy on the water cultural heritage associated with historical irrigation systems. The brief also presents...


The processes of land erosion in various regions of Latin America and Africa have their origin in social, economic and cultural factors that translate into the over-exploitation of the natural resources and the application of inadequate...

This FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper is intended to serve as a tool for an integrated drainage approach by providing guidelines for: (i) the appropriate identification of drainage problems; (ii) the planning and design of drainage systems; and (iii) the careful integration of technical, environmental and socio-economic factors. The main text of this paper provides critical general information...
El estudio de los sistemas agrícolas tradicionales en los Andes es una preocupación constante de los interesados en desarrollar estrategias para enfrentar el modelo del mundo global. La sustentabilidad que presentaba el campo en épocas precolombinas se basó en las particularidades que presentan los suelos, el clima y los paisajes de las distintas regiones andinas. Esta diversidad de condiciones...

The principle objective behind UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP) has always been to develop a solid scientific and technological base for a sound management of water resources. Both aspects of quantity and quality of water resources are being addressed in the...

This thesis will explore the adoption process of soil and water conservation (SWC) practices in order to identify the causes of failing SWC interventions. Are the technologies inappropriate? Are the incentives inappropriate? Should the farmers be compensated permanently for installing and maintaining SWC practices? This thesis will handle these questions within the specific context of the Andes...
This book is about the power of water as much as about the power of water ontologies and water identities, and about the power of the Water Lords’ policy and expert communities, those who are legitimized and endorsed to define and construct ‘the others’ and their problems. Naming and norming, and the legally or scientifically awarded faculty to put water things and users in their place, are basic...


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