renewable energy
IRENA, CENER (Spain), DLR (Germany), Masdar Institute (UAE), NREL (USA) and MINES ParisTech (France) are very pleased to announce the release of Global Atlas 2.0.
This new version features maps for solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy and marine energy, and includes new...
IRENA, CENER (Spain), DLR (Germany), Masdar Institute (UAE), NREL (USA) and MINES ParisTech (France) are very pleased to announce the release of Global Atlas 2.0.
This new version features maps for solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy and marine energy, and includes new...
We share to you the new working paper “Cooperation mechanisms of the EU renewable energy directive and flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol: comparison and lessons learnt”.
You can download the paper in the attachments. Comments and feedback are highly appreciated.