Benefit Sharing Mechanisms

Please join Peru’s water regulator SUNASS, the Swiss Water Partnership, and Forest Trends for a special event announcing the largest financial commitment to green water infrastructure for any Latin American city.

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Please join Peru’s water regulator SUNASS, the Swiss Water Partnership, and Forest Trends for a special event announcing the largest financial commitment to green water infrastructure for any Latin American city.

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Market mechanisms – the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation (JI) and Art. 17 emission trading – have been a central feature of the Kyoto Protocol. The shape of the new climate change agreement to adopted at this year's UN climate change conference in Paris is...

The FAO project working on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and other Incentives for Ecosystem Services (IES) in Agriculture is searching for a new member for their team.

The consultant will work within the framework of the Division’s work on Incentives for Ecosystem...

Water flows in Peru's Cañete basin

How do we balance user of ecosystems services - such as clean water - with preservation of the environments that provides such benefits? In the Cañete river basin on Peru's central coast, partners are working to do just that...

Water is an essential resource for human life. We are facing several problems and inequities in the use and distribution of water resource. Benefits Sharing Mechanisms (BSM) are agreements between actors in a watershed that help more equitably and to solve water conflicts.


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