
The Global Project Mainstreaming EbA is delighted to invite you to the upcoming webinar


The GEF-funded project ‘Ecosystem-based Adaptation through South-South Cooperation’ (EbA South), implemented by UNEP and executed by the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC), is launching a call for proposals for the development of a user-friendly and...

Many national and international environmental agreements acknowledge that the impoverishment of ecosystems is limiting the world’s capacity to adapt to climate change and that ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches should be harnessed as a priority. EbA has the potential to increase adaptive capacity and social and ecological resilience to climate change in both developed and developing...

Taking place under the theme, 'Re-imagining Africa's Food Security Now and into the Future under a Changing Climate,' this conference will convene a number of round-tables, discussions and plenary sessions to discuss how ecosystem based adaptation (EBA) can be used to improve food...

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