The Mountain Futures Initiative (MFI) was proposed during the Conference by the three institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Kunming Institute of Botany, Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, and the Institute of Geography and Natural Resources Research), and...

The role of healthy soils in climate protection and food security was a major focus of the COP21 international climate summit in Paris.

More than half of the 158 submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) ascribe importance to the agricultural sector. In...

Agroforestry, the cultivation of trees on farmland in different combinations with crops and livestock, can play a strategic role in restoring protected areas in Brazil.

This was one of the key conclusions to come out of a recent workshop in Brazil that involved scientists,...

Con la finalidad discutir sobre los aspectos más relevantes de la Agroforestería y los productores familiares en el marco de los procesos de reforma en el sector forestal, en particular para las Áreas de...

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