Call for Participation: Regional Youth Green Growth Forum 2013
From 2nd-5th December 2013, 200 young people will gather in Nairobi-Kenya for the Regional Youth Green Growth Forum 2013. Convened by the Organization of African Youth and partners, the main objective of the forum is to provide a platform for young people to learn, share and identify tools to foster inclusive green growth in Africa and build partnerships to put the tools into practice in their work.
Young people are important stakeholders in realizing the sustainable development goals, and can be actively engaged in raising awareness, running educational programmes, advocating for policy-level changes, designing innovative solutions, technologies and tools, and strengthening public participation for environmental protection.
They are organizing this forum to provide young people with a platform to deliberate, voice their views, strategize and learn best and replicable practices for inclusive green growth. Under theme, “Harnessing the Potential of Youth as Partners for Inclusive Green Growth and Climate Resilience,” the forum will unleash the potential of young people and provide them with knowledge and skills to enable them drive the sustainable development agenda in their various communities.
Forum Objectives:
- To facilitate partnership building and link young people with opportunities to promote and scale up inclusive green growth in Africa.
- To demonstrate ways to realize the potential of young people for long term green growth through the development and show casing of concrete partnerships that can bring green growth to scale.
- To provide a platform for sharing knowledge with young people in identifying the opportunities as well as challenges of green growth that is environmentally effective, cost-efficient and socially inclusive and contributes to youth development.
- To provide a platform for young people to discuss the context of framing inclusive green growth in the sustainable development goals proposal and further strategize on how OAYouth can play a major role in promoting youth inclusion in green growth.
Participation is open for young people between the age of 15-35 years from all countries. The participation fee is as follows:
- Kenyan participants: USD 200
- African participants: USD 300
- International Participants: USD 400
The participation fee will cover the costs of each delegate's lunch and tea, local transport, forum materials, certificate, facilitation and organizing costs. Delegates are expected to cater for their own transport to and from Nairobi and the cost of accommodation.
We are not able to provide sponsorship at this moment and if opportunities arise, we will communicate.
To register for the forum, kindly visit our website,, and go to the forum site. For questions and assistance write to the secretariat through
To become a partner or sponsor a delegate, kindly contact us on email:
You can also engage in the green growth debate on the forum Facebook page here.
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