Save the Date: Regional Youth Green Growth Forum: 2nd-5th December 2013, Nairobi.
From 2nd-5th December 2013, about 200 young people from both the African region and international will gather in Nairobi for the 1st Regional Youth Green Growth Forum. Under theme, “Harnessing the Potential of Youth as Partners for Inclusive Green Growth and Climate Resilience,” the forum will unleash the potential of young people and provide them with knowledge and skills to enable them drive the sustainable development agenda in their various communities.
Convened by the Organization of African Youth and partners, the main objective of the forum is to provide a platform for young people to learn, share and identify tools to foster inclusive green growth in Africa and build partnerships to put the tools into practice in their work. The forum will be organized inform of the plenary sessions, workshops, group discussions, exhibitions and the last day of communal work/excursions to promote environmental sustainability. The topical issues to be discussed include: green jobs and skills; innovation and technology; urban development, water and sanitation; population dynamics and health; natural resources and sustainable agriculture.
The call for participation is scheduled start on 1st July 2013. The call will be shared widely and all information on how to participate will be available in their website. In the meantime join the discussion in the forum Facebook page:
Is you organizations interested to be a supporting partner? Send them an email: and we will be glad to discuss further on possible collaboration opportunities.
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