First Call for the MRI Key Contact Workshop prior to the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting

The Mountain Research Initiative invites you to participate in its Key Contact Workshop in San Francisco on Sunday, 14 December 2014. 

They invite scientists in all stages of their careers and with diverse backgrounds within the overall context of global change in mountain regions. If you are interested in the breadth of research being pursued in mountain regions around the world, then this workshop is for you!

Objectives : The KCW brings together active researchers from around the world working on global change in mountain regions

  • to present a brief overview of their research programs
  • comment on fellow participant's research
  • discover opportunities for new interdisciplinary research collaborations.


  • No fees apply to workshop participation. The workshop is a full day's event with lunch and coffee provided by MRI. However, participants are expected to organize their travel and accommodation themselves and to cover their respective expenses.

Worth trying? Check out the workshop website.

Or register directly:

  • Send an email to the Mountain Research Initiative stating your interest.
  • Summarize your research interests and future challenges using the research summary template.
  • Email us a digital photo of yourself.

For more information on the AGU Fall Meeting, see

Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:30
Work regions: 
contact name: 
The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)
contact email:
contact data: 
Another contact:
Deadline date: 
Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:30
Deadline type: 
Location Name: 
San Francisco, CA, USA
Location Country: 
United States