The General Assembly 2016 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to cover all disciplines of the earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can...

The Mountain Research Initiative invites you to participate in its Key Contact Workshop. We provide a setting that stimulates interdisciplinary thinking and that allows peers to take a fresh look at each other's research. Think of it as an extended coffee break, where new ideas and...

La Iniciativa de Investigación en Montañas (MRI) invita a participar  del Taller de Intercambio entre Investigadores de Cambios Globales en Montaña, durante la reunión anual de la Sociedad Ecológica de Estados Unidos, que se realizará...

La Iniciativa de Investigación en Montañas (MRI) solicita artículos sobre proyectos para la siguiente edición de su Boletín de Noticias. Las personas que estén interesadas en aportar al boletín sobre investigación de montañas podrán enviar sus aportes de proyectos, propuestas,...

The Andean region shares with other mountain areas in the world steep environmental gradients interacting with complex social and economic dynamics that influence patterns of access to and use of natural resources. In this context, environmental governance systems at multiple levels...

t's almost that time of year again...AGU is just around the corner! After four days of meetings, talks and presentations, it'll be time to unwind. Come share your new ideas, contacts and enthusiasm with other mountain researchers at the ...

Mountains cover about 27% of the world's surface. How much of it do you know?

Chances are, you work in less than 1% of those 27%, and are only likely to visit another tiny per cent. Curious about what you're...

The Mountain Research Initiative invites you to participate in its Key Contact Workshop in San Francisco on Sunday, 14 December 2014. 

They invite scientists in all stages of their careers and with diverse backgrounds within the overall...

Javier Baca

Nota enviada en inglés por Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)

Como parte de los preparativos para la Conferencia sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible - Río+20, varios donantes están en la búsqueda de proyectos de desarrollo pequeños y medianos en regiones de montaña, que...

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