Forest, People and Climate: Changing Paradigm

The Institute of Forestry/Tribhuvan University, is organizing the International Conference on Forests, People and Climate: Changing Paradigm in collaboration with the Department of Forest Research and Survey/Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepal and Forest and Landscape/University of Copenhagen, Denmark with a theme “Forest for livelihood prosperity in the face of climate change.” It aims to disseminate up-to-date information and practical experiences from natural resource management, where the community plays a central role in biodiversity conservation and livelihood improvement particularly in rural areas.
For further details, pls visit the website ( or write to Bhushita Vasistha at
The conference theme reminds us of the responsibility we have to take both for individual and collective action on the issues that affect the whole globe. It emphasizes the urgency for worldwide response to biodiversity conservation and livelihood improvement through good governance, climate change adaptation, and better forest management for action on the part of all stakeholders at the global, national, regional and local levels.
Strengthening community based systems and addressing the underlying social injustices, which contribute to forest degradation and the vulnerability of poor people (e.g., unsustainable economic growth, poverty, gender inequality, weak governance and social exclusion), are all essential strategies in the international response to climate change and natural resource scarcity. People interested in community based approaches to conservation and development of forests are invited to present their own work on the topic. Contributions analyzing experiences with the effect of stressors, including climate change, on rural livelihoods and local-level vulnerabilities in the institutional context of community based forest management are invited.
>> Abstract submission deadline of the International Conference on Forest, People and Climate: Changing Paradigm, 28-30 August 2013 is extended through end of June.
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