International Conference on Climate Change, Water Resources and Disasters in Mountainous Regions
27th -29th November, 2013
Kathmandu, Nepal
Climate variability and climate change are the concern for all the levels of society including the organizations and individuals involved in planning and policy formulation. Developing countries are more vulnerable to climate change because of their inadequate capacity and resources to cope its adverse effects. Scientific discussions and knowledge sharing on different aspects of climate change are essential to understand its complex nature.
Water is one of the vital resources required for sustainable development, environmental integrity and the eradication of poverty and hunger
Changes in climate have been adversely affecting various water bodies including surface water and groundwater. Changes in hydrological regimes and natural ecosystems have become global concerns. The situations are more alarming in mountainous areas.
In order to address the issues of climate change in mountainous regions, an International Conference on Climate Change, Water Resources and Disasters in Mountainous Regions: Building Resilience to Changing Climate will be organized in Kathmandu, Nepal during 27-29 November, 2013. The Conference will be jointly organized by the Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists-Nepal (SOHAM-Nepal), Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), Government of Nepal (GoN), and United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization International Hydrological Programme Nepal (UNESCO IHP-Nepal) in association with Department of Irrigation/Adaptation to Global Change in Agricultural Practices (DoI/AGloCAP), International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and International Water Management Institute (IWMI).
The conference aims to invite scientists, engineers, planners, development workers as well as experts on related fields providing a platform for presenting their research outcomes, on observations, findings and innovative ideas. The conference targets to gather more than two hundred participants both national and international with more than 100 papers. Keynote speakers will be invited to deliver presentations on specific burning issues. Selected peer reviewed papers will be published in the Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology published by SOHAM-Nepal.
The conference includes the following themes:
Climate variability and changes
Water resources management
Trans-boundary issues of water resources
Cryospheric changes and its impacts on water resources
Land degradation, hazards and disaster risk reduction
River basin modeling for impact assessment
Watershed management and ecosystem services
Renewable energy and food security
Climate services for building resilience
Adaptation strategies for building a resilient society
Building Resilience to Changing Climate: Attaining water security and minimizing risks of geological hazards through watershed management
Updated Brochure
The conference will be held in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Kathmandu is located at an elevation of approximately 1,400 meters above mean sea level. The city’s rich history is nearly 2000 years old, as inferred from an inscription in the valley. The cultural heritage recognition under the World Heritage list of the UNESCO has recognized all the monuments in the three cities as one unit under the title "Kathmandu Valley-UNESCO World Heritage Site".
November is characterized by fine weather favorable for tourists and trekkers. During the month of November the minimum and maximum temperatures in Kathmandu remain around 7 degree Celsius and 23 degree Celsius respectively.
The venue for the conference will be notified later. Important Dates
Submission of Paper: 30th September, 2013
Format for abstract and full paper and online registration: Please visit
In attachments you can find more information.
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