Key Contact Workshop of the Mountain Research Initiative, Saturday 3 August

Tuesday, 9 July, 2013 - 11:59

A Key Contact Workshop (KCW) is a 1-day event facilitating and fostering the dialogue between scientists with various backgrounds. The three work tools, namely written research summaries, snapshot presentations, and small working groups, stimulate interdisciplinary thinking and allow peers to take a fresh look at your research.

The workshop accommodates a maximum of 24 speakers/working group chairs, and a few additional participants from a broad range of fields and disciplines from both natural and social sciences.
KCWs usually precede major conferences that mountain researchers attend anyway, in this case the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA)

We invite scientists in all stages of their careers and with diverse backgrounds within the overall context of global change in mountain regions. If you are interested in the breadth of research being pursued in mountain regions around the world, then this workshop is for you!

The KCW brings together active researchers from around the world working on global change in mountain regions to

  1. present a brief overview of their research programs,
  2. comment on fellow participant's research, and
  3. discover opportunities for new interdisciplinary research collaborations.

A compilation of current research programs on global change in mountains (have a look at examples).
Contacts and collaborations, insights and ideas.

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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