Landmark report finds economic growth and action on climate change can now be achieved together

Thursday, 18 September, 2014 - 09:01

The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate is pleased to announce the launch of Better Growth, Better Climate: The New Climate Economy Report. Go to to find out more or follow @newclimateecon #ncereport on twitter.

The report sets out compelling evidence from across the world that economic growth and action on climate change can now be achieved together.It finds that there are now major opportunities in three key sectors of the global economy – cities, land use and energy. By improving efficiency, investing in infrastructure and stimulating innovation across these sectors and the wider economy, governments and businesses can deliver strong growth with lower emissions.

For instance, new agricultural techniques are enabling more food to be produced, while cutting carbon pollution. If just 12% of the world’s degraded lands were restored to production, we could feed another 200 million people and farmers’ incomes would be raised by US$40 billion a year.  

Ahead of next week’s UN Climate Summit the report sets out a 10-point Global Action Plan to achieve both better growth and a safer climate.

“The New Climate Economy report refutes the idea that we must choose between fighting climate change or growing the world’s economy. That is a false dilemma,” said former President of Mexico Felipe Calderón, Chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. “Today’s report shows how technological  and structural change are driving new opportunities to improve growth, create jobs, boost company profits and spur economic development.”

Over the coming months the New Climate Economy project will engage with governments, businesses, investors, city authorities and civil society in countries across the world to discuss the report’s findings and recommendations. We hope to help stimulate a new debate. Please join it. For more information about how you can participate please contact

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