New edited volume "Interpretative Approaches to Global Climate Governance: (De)Constructing the Greenhouse"

Friday, 2 August, 2013 - 15:28

I would like to draw your attention to Interpretative Approaches to Global Climate Governance: (De)Constructing the Greenhouse, an edited volume recently published by Routledge.

The book, edited by Chris Methmann, Delf Rothe and myself, combines contributions from seasoned climate governance experts with the work of young and upcoming scholars. It assembles 14 interpretive inquiries into discourses of global climate governance, investigating a broad range of issues: climate investments, carbon offsetting, REDD+, climate and security, climate migration, geo-engineering, the climate justice movement or the potential for democratizing the global climate regime.

Each contribution fleshes out its interpretive methodology, making them accessible to those yet unfamiliar with interpretive approaches and demonstrating their value for the understanding of global climate governance.

Apart from the innovative take on the respective cases, the book also highlights an overall pattern - the depoliticization of climate governance. This constitutes the link between three developments the book identifies: The economization of climate change, narrowing the scope for political action; the securitization of climate change that is concealing its socio-economic roots; and the technocratization of climate change turning it into a mere administrative issue to be tackled by experts.

For more infos on the book click here:

 There you can also find a code, giving you a 20% discount when purchasing the book through the Routledge Website. If you would like to review the book and receive a free copy, please don‘t hesitate to get in touch with Lynsey Nurthen at Routledge ( or send an email directly to me:


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