New web site launched by Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development and update on SDGs Dear friends,
The Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development launches its web site:
It is the first web site for a Friends group at the UN and has on the site many useful resources including the book that was produced during the 'Transforming Our World' SDG negotiations called 'Governance for Sustainable Development: Ideas for the Post 2015 Agenda and it is a free download.
Last week an article by Geoffrey Lipman and Felix Dodds on “Once in a lifetime” chance for Green Growth and Travelism appeared in the Guardian:
The SDGs reframe the Earth Summit agreements into a new global blueprint for the 21st century a ‘transformational agenda’ for sustainable development to 2030 and beyond. It’s a long journey, with each country, locality and individual coming from a different starting point, with unique capacities and reasons to change. Ultimately we have to get to the same end point by 2050 - the date, where science and politics are converging on liveable global temperature stabilisation. With new multi-billion dollar funds, legal frameworks and collaborations to support that change.
There is also a useful article for those coming to the Summit tomorrow 15 thoughts on sdgs:
As we are getting closer to the Heads of State session on the Sustainable Development Goals now embedded in theTransforming Our World: The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda hat do you need to know about the Sustainable Development Goals?
Finally a good article by David Banisar in the Huffington Post Road to Human Rights Paved with Information
The SDGs, as approved this month, are recognizing the centrality of good governance to sustainable development. This recognition of access to justice and information, with transparent and accountable institutions, is a huge leap toward creating a framework that enables individuals to pursue fair and sustainable development, as well as their human rights.
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