A proposal for a robust global accountability mechanism for the post-2015 agenda

Thursday, 9 April, 2015 - 08:46

Amnesty International, the Center for Economic & Social Rights, the Center for Reproductive Rights and Human Rights Watch have developed a proposal for post-2015 monitoring and accountability at the global level. In particular, we suggest a participatory peer review mechanism (drawing inspiration from the UPR) under the High-Level Political Forum.

It is our view that robust and participatory monitoring and accountability mechanisms are essential if the post-2015 agenda is to be truly transformative and fit-for-purpose as a vehicle to improve human rights enjoyment worldwide. The right accountability architecture could improve the credibility, ownership and effectiveness of the agenda for people and for states, and make the entire process of sustainable development more transformative and responsive to peoples’ needs. In order to do so, it must ensure accountability for the 'global partnership', for the private sector, and for rich countries' impact on sustainable development beyond their borders.

We hope this proposal will push Member States to see the value and importance of a strong global review mechanism, and seize the chance to recognize revitalized accountability relationships as a core element of the post-2015 agenda, not just an optional or onerous add-on.

Feel free to contact Kate Donald, CESR with any questions or concerns. You can also add your organization's endorsement of this proposal HERE (until May 1st) 

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