Peru hosts international glacier forum
Tuesday, 2 July, 2013 - 10:07

Lima, Jul. 01. An international glacier forum organized by National Water Authority (ANA) is being held in Peru's northern region of Ancash to coordinate current and future initiatives in the field of glaciology and high mountains in Peru and the tropical Andes.
The conference named "Challenge of Research the Service of Society in Context of Climate Change" brings together scientists, practitioners and representatives from public and governmental institutions.
Climate, glaciers, water resources, risks, and the relation to society and economy are among the conference topics.
The forum is also focused on fostering the exchange between scientists and public institutions, and how scientific insights can be transferred into public policies and other actions on the ground.
Glaciologist Claudia Giraldes said that Peruvian glaciers also suffer from the effects of climate change causing ice mass loss. "If this process continues there will be no ice and consequences will be unpredictable."
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