TERI's report on City Resilience Strategy & Mainstreaming action plan for Guwahati, Assam (India)

As part of the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), TERI has made an assessment of the risk and vulnerability of the city of Guwahati (Assam, India) and has prepared a detailed City Resilience Strategy (CRS).
The focus of TERI's assessment is to facilitate adaptation initiatives and mainstream them into the city development paradigm to make Guwahati city more resilient and prepared towards the risks. Review of existing policies and governance framework of the city was an integral part of the assessment to identify channels for integrating adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures in planning and development.
Following sectors were identified as the key sectors that were studied to understand the present and future vulnerability of the city in the context of climate change impacts. These sectors also form the key pillars of Guwahati city's resilience strategy:
Housing and urban planning
Urban infrastructure and services (water supply; sewerage; natural and storm water drainage; solid waste management; electricity; health)
Informal settlements and slums
Poverty and livelihood
Ecosystems and land-use
Emergency response capacity
We are happy to share the synthesis report with fellow colleagues and practitioners. The report besides giving an overview of the CRS, also disseminates the key findings and recommendations arising from the mainstreaming strategy which will guide the city for implementing the recommended resilience measures.
To read the report click here.
To know more about ACCCRN click here.
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