Webinar: Alliances for Green Infrastructure – State of Watershed Investment 2016

Tuesday, 22 November, 2016 - 09:44

Forest Trends is pleased to invite you to a free webinar to explore findings from our latest report Alliances for Green Infrastructure: State of Watershed Investment 2016.

The report summarizes data from a global survey of program developers to estimate the size, scope, and scale of market mechanisms for green infrastructure.

Thursday, December 15th 2016: 11:30 am EST
Register for the webinar here.

It’s been a banner year for green infrastructure, from the roll-out of the Paris climate deal to Peru’s groundbreaking new water security strategy to California’s recent legislation recognizing nature as a critical part of its water infrastructure. In an era of growing water risk and limited public infrastructure budgets, nature-based strategies offer a cost-effective, low-impact path to water security and resilience that sustains and empowers local communities.

In 2015, governments, water utilities, companies and communities spent nearly $25B on payments for green infrastructure for water. More than 400 programs in 62 countries invested in the natural ability of forests, wetlands, grasslands, and other ecosystems to ensure clean, reliable water supplies for cities and communities and to combat threats from rapid urban expansion and agricultural pollution.

Join Forest Trends and leading experts for a briefing on global trends in market mechanisms for green infrastructure and insights from the field on scaling up investments in nature-based solutions for water.

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