YPARD pilot mentoring program officially launched!

Wednesday, 8 July, 2015 - 09:12

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out WHY you were born.' - Mark Twain

We have no control over the day we are born. But our journey to discover our life's purpose - why we are born - is something we can control.

Twain's quote and the line of thinking it conjures up really sums up the mentality we are trying to instill in our mentors and mentees who have been selected for YPARD's first ever pilot mentoring program - that no matter what place you are at in your life, it's never too late to reflect on who you are, why you are here, and make intentional decisions to determine where you want your life to go.

There are many reasons why we struggle to pursue this line of thinking. We don't realise the importance of reflection and therefore don't make time for it. We don't have the tools or guidance and it just seems too hard and large a task.

The mentoring orientation workshop held from 4-6 June in Nairobi, Kenya equipped both mentors and mentees with skills such as communication, conflict resolution, networking, working with men and women that they are going to need as they grow and develop over the next 12 months.

From farmers to entrepreneurs to researchers to students, the mentees and mentors have incredible stories to tell and grand plans to transform youth in agriculture. Ypard look forward to bringing their stories to you.

Keep checking www.ypard.net/mentoring where we'll share learnings, resources, joys, challenges and achievements as we roll out YPARD's pilot mentoring program over the next 12 months.

Michelle Kovacevic is YPARD's mentoring coordinator. 
“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction.” John Crosby

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