Latin America

Este libro brinda elementos analíticos para avanzar en su construcción teórica y propone una perspectiva novedosa que va más allá de la visión disciplinaria y ahistórica.

Si bien el libro aporta en el tema de cultura del agua también brinda elementos analíticos para estudiar...

This thesis will explore the adoption process of soil and water conservation (SWC) practices in order to identify the causes of failing SWC interventions. Are the technologies inappropriate? Are the incentives inappropriate? Should the farmers be compensated permanently for installing and maintaining SWC practices? This thesis will handle these questions within the specific context of the Andes...
This book is about the power of water as much as about the power of water ontologies and water identities, and about the power of the Water Lords’ policy and expert communities, those who are legitimized and endorsed to define and construct ‘the others’ and their problems. Naming and norming, and the legally or scientifically awarded faculty to put water things and users in their place, are basic...
The aim of this volume is to set forth in a plain way the salient facts of that new branch of agricultural science which is now universally know as dry-farming. The writer has taken special care to deal only with the data obtained by reliable farmers, experiment-station workers, together with the results of this little manual will form a safe and useful guide to those thousands of settlers who...

La idea de las bolsas de tecnologías surgió en 1997 cuando al analizar la situación de la difusión de tecnologías, se querían ensayar formas que permitieran un intercambio más efectivo entre productores. Entonces se pensó que algo similar a las bolsas de valores - donde se...

El presente documento es un instructivo técnico para manejar agua y salvar los cultivos en los períodos de sequías ocurridos durante la temporada de invierno. Este instructivo incluye tecnologías para cosechar agua por medio de pequeños pozos y otras tecnologías que contribuyen a conservar humedad en el suelo. Al inicio de la experimentación en nuestra organización COSECHA pensábamos concentrar...

Revisando el texto, uno se da cuenta que la experiencia de PRODERM contiene lecciones y conceptos sobre el riego parcelario en la Sierra y para otras regiones con similares condiciones que todavía siguen validos. Una parte del texto trata de los diferentes metodologías de capacitación...

Tropical mountain plants are in search of higher grounds, as climate change robs them of their natural habitats. Over the past two hundred years, environmental impacts have caused these vulnerable plants to migrate over 500 meters upslope on the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador....

The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a high-level forum for the world’s major and forward-leaning countries to promote policies and share best practices with the goal of accelerating the transition to a global clean energy economy. The CEM is voluntary and collaborative, enabling...

The tendency for first-time visitors is to see the Himalayas as timeless and unchanging. Families thresh rice by hand, the sheaves swinging overhead, sending up plumes of dust, then down, swot, on a rock, over and over, until all the dry kernels of rice break loose and rain...


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