Latin America

Autor: Ricardo Jimenez

El Buen Vivir es esencialmente una propuesta de nuevo paradigma ético civilizatorio, con implicancias políticas, económicas y culturales, que rescata la ancestral experiencia de los pueblos indígenas latinoamericanos, especialmente andinos, y lo...

En octubre se celebrará en La Paz uno de los más grandes y exitosos encuentros culinarios que se han celebrado en nuestro país, el II Encuentro Gastronómico TAMBO, que en su versión del pasado año logró congregar a más de 40.000 visitantes que se deleitaron con la enorme variedad de...

Ecosystem services provided by high Andean wetlands must be understood in order to ensure their conservation. Therefore, as part of the High Andean Wetlands Initiative, BirdLife International...

Lake Poopó’s area has decreased by 50% in the last 25 years, with serious consequences for the populations of resident and migratory waterbirds. The reasons for this decline are still being studied. An...

An important achievement in the process of assessing ecosystem services in Llanganates was the involvement of local people, the direct beneficiaries and users of ecosystem goods and services within the region....


Publicación que recopila prácticas ancestrales de crianza del agua (como los camellones, galerías filtrantes, reservorios, terrazas, etc.) de diferentes lugares de la región Andina y otras regiones mas. El libro se organiza por apítulos temáticos que se van abordando a través de las...

More efficient cooking stoves were designed for communities around Lake Junín as a way of encouraging a better use of the high Andean peatland, or champa, an important habitat for migratory birds. Certified...

Buenos Aires Plateau will become a protected area

Thanks to the work of Aves Argentinas (BirdLife in Argentina) and the conservation NGOs, Asociación Ambiente Sur and ...

The 7th Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum (LACCF) will take place August 28–30, 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  The conference, the foremost event for knowledge sharing and networking on current and future carbon trends, is expected to attract a wide range of government...

The wetlands of the High Andes are an evolutionary hotspot for the grebe family (Podicipedidae). This unique diversity is, however, rapidly being lost: in the past 30 years, 2 species have gone extinct and another 3 species are on the verge of extinction. Here we report on efforts to...


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