
The aim of this guide is to provide asset owners with a range of investment strategies and solutions to address the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. The guide is targeted at asset owners and more specifically at trustee boards and investment committees, but...

Illegal logging in Ghana is partly a problem of poverty. Changing the policy environment — especially enforcement to combat illegal logging — has proved to be important over the years, but needs to be complemented by offering alternative income opportunities to illegal activities to...

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is a mitigation instrument that creates a financial value for the carbon stored in standing forests. The purpose of REDD+ is to provide incentives for developing countries to mitigate forest-related emissions and...
This study assessed four such interventions in terms of cost and potential to improve dry season baseflows, namely: animal exclusion from overgrazed puna grasslands, introduction of rotational grazing practices on currently overgrazed puna grasslands, hydrological restoration of...
This report is an outcome of an exploratory workshop held by IUCN in October 2013, and subsequent discussions in 2014, of a working group of relevant business and conservation experts (see authorship and participation on page 3). The working group was convened by IUCN’s Global...
In February 2015, the ‘Beyond Enforcement’ symposium brought together over 70 researchers, community representatives, United Nations and government officials and NGOs to explore whether and under what circumstances community-based interventions are likely to achieve success in combating current patterns of illegal use and trade of wildlife. This meeting report includes an outline of the policy...

The report explores strategies towards water and energy security in China as well as to provide an overview of water risk exposure across China’s power landscape.

China’s waterscape is changing. Water risks in China, be they physical, economic or regulatory, have great social-economic impacts and are well recognized, especially those in China’s water-energy nexus...

This report seeks to provide a synthesis of the current state of knowledge on the world’s tropical forests and an objective evaluation of policy responses intended to protect and nurture them. It aims to stimulate discussion within the policy communities of donor and tropical...

En este documento se describen los desafíos que plantea el uso actual y futuro del agua en los Andes tropicales, comenzando por un análisis del ciclo hidrológico proyectado presente y futuro, así como los efectos previstos sobre los servicios ambientales que suministran los glaciares y...

India has emphasised inclusion of adaptation as a part of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC). For understanding adaptation requirements, we need to understand and value climate change impacts first. This preliminary assessment tries to estimate the cost of global...


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