Illegal logging in Ghana is partly a problem of poverty. Changing the policy environment — especially enforcement to combat illegal logging — has proved to be important over the years, but needs to be complemented by offering alternative income opportunities to illegal activities to...
The report explores strategies towards water and energy security in China as well as to provide an overview of water risk exposure across China’s power landscape.
China’s waterscape is changing. Water risks in China, be they physical, economic or regulatory, have great social-economic impacts and are well recognized, especially those in China’s water-energy nexus...
En este documento se describen los desafíos que plantea el uso actual y futuro del agua en los Andes tropicales, comenzando por un análisis del ciclo hidrológico proyectado presente y futuro, así como los efectos previstos sobre los servicios ambientales que suministran los glaciares y...