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    Moving mountains


    During the Copenhagen climate summit in 2009, Nepal’s then environment minister Ganesh Shah had a reason to be frustrated. Not because the global meet was not moving ahead but that it did not address the issues of mountain countries. “They are talking about oceans, islands, deserts and all...

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    ¡Feliz año frijolero!


    Este nuevo año ha sido declarado Año Internacional de las Legumbres[1]. En buena hora, porque las lentejas, los fríjoles, las habas y los garbanzos son un elemento fundamental del menú diario para la población de todo el mundo. Se cultivan en todos los continentes (excepto Antártida) y son la...

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    Job vacancies: Specialist in Landscape Modelling


    The Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, one of 14 specialized institutes of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, invites applications, for a fixed duration until 31.12.2018, for a Specialist in...

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