
  • News

    Meltdown: The Skiing Industry and Climate Change


    On a bright and unseasonably warm March day, Auden Schendler, Aspen Skiing Company’s vice president of sustainability, and I trudge up the boot path to Highland Peak. Once we reach the 12,392-foot summit, we click into our bindings and ski down Highland Bowl, a 40-plus-degree pitch that drops 2...

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  • News

    How sensitive are Andean forests to climate change?


    During recent years we have received large amounts of information about how increased environmental temperatures are modifying prominent features of our planet. The general public is particularly aware of glacier melting in the poles and at high elevation mountains. However, there is a general...

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    La explosión urbana y la naturaleza en la ciudad


    Latinoamérica se está urbanizando a un ritmo acelerado y hoy en día vivimos en la región más urbanizada del planeta[1].Igual que en el resto de la región, en los países andinos casi el 80% de la población vive en ciudades. Es particularmente llamativo que el cambio de una sociedad rural a una...

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