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    Mount Elbrus: Facts About Europe’s Highest Mountain


    Mount Elbrus isn’t technically a mountain — it is an inactive volcano located in the western Caucasus mountain range, near the Georgian border in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay–Cherkessia, Russia. With an elevation of 18,510 feet (5,642 meters), it is part of the Caucasus Range that straddles...

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    Aftermath of Gargantuan Landslide Captured in Space Image


    A huge chunk of rock and ice slid down the flanks of Canada's Mount Steele on Oct. 11, at a dizzying speed — one estimate suggests a whopping 123 mph (nearly 200 km/h). The aftermath of the gargantuan landslide — about 50 million tons (45 million metric tons) tumbled down the mountain — was...

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    Aconcagua: Highest Mountain in South America


    Part of the Andes mountain range, Aconcagua is the second highest of the Seven Summits, behind only Mount Everest in Asia. At 22,837 feet (6,961 meters), not only is it the highest mountain in South America, it is the tallest peak in all of the Americas as well as the Southern and Western...

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    Sierra Nevada Snowpack Shrinks to Lowest Level in 500 Years


    The snowpack in California's Sierra Nevada mountains has reached its lowest point in the past 500 years — primarily the result of the region's dry winter, researchers report. And the researchers don't expect normal snowpack levels to be replenished anytime soon. "We should be prepared for this...

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