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    Peru harnesses ancient canal system to tackle Lima water shortage


    Restoring a pre-Inca network of channels to ensure a steady flow of water from the mountains should help Lima meet some of its growing needs In the mountains above the Peruvian capital Lima, the world’s second largest desert city, scientists are working with farmers to restore ancient canals...

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    Histórico llamado religioso a detener el cambio climático


    Ayer el Papa Francisco presentó su Encíclica Papal con un fuerte llamado a unir fuerzas para luchar contra el cambio climático. De acuerdo a la UNFCCC, el título de la Encíclica “Laudato Si” (“Alabado seas“, en latín) es una referencia a una oración de San Francisco, de quien el Pontífice tomó...

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    Peru turns to ancient methods after water shortage


    The Peruvian capital of Lima is slowly running out of water. Lima is becoming one of the driest capital cities in the world. Daily water shortages are a real problems for Peru’s poorest residents. Lima authorities believe ancient methods are the solution.

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    On a shoestring budget, growing fresh tomatoes at 4,500 metres


    In the Sacred Valley one development organization is doing things differently to help high-altitude communities help themselves. Starting in 2010, the Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development (AASD) now helps to feed about a 1,000 kids in 7 communities in the district of Lares, near Cusco...

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