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    Peru's Ancient Stone Canals


    How ancient water technology could help keep the taps running in Lima. Peru's capital Lima is the second-largest desert city in the world. Although the region enjoys a surplus of water during the rainy season, keeping it is a problem. The excess often ends up back in the ocean, leaving Lima's...

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    Peruvian farmers restoring 7th century canals


    Non-governmental agency helping farmers restore ancient system in Andean region and revitalise their water supplies. High in the Andean region of Peru, ancient Peruvians stored water in ancient canals dating back to the seventh century. In modern Peru, rural farmers are restoring them - and...

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    Lima to restore pre-Incan aqueducts to alleviate its water crisis


    Andean community leaders show hydrologists and project developers from Lima damaged amunas. These pre-Incan canals collect excess river water in the wet season so it can recharge pools and groundwater supplies for use in the dry season. Credit: Gena Gammie.  To tackle a looming water crisis,...

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    Registration now open for XIV World Forestry Congress


    Why attend? The Congress will be the most significant opportunity in 2015 for the world’s foresters and forest supporters to share expertise and experience, forge new partnerships and define a coherent, global vision of the roles of forests and forestry in sustainable development. The...

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