InVEST Models Summer School: registration open

Wednesday, 1 July, 2015 - 10:52

I am pleased to inform you that we have officially launched our jointly sponsored Summer School on “InVEST Models:  Mapping and Valuating  Ecosystem Services for better decision making”.

From 7th to 11th of September the Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Padua and its spin-off ETIFOR, in collaboration with Stanford University,University of Molise, and INFORMED Project Partners organize the Summer School on “InVEST  Models:  Mapping  and  Valuating  Ecosystem Services for better decision making”.

InVEST software (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs) is a family of decision-support tools developed by the Natural Capital Project (NatCap) that allows decision makers to integrate nature’s benefits into policy, business and management decisions and to assess trade-offs associated with alternatives.

The Summer School will be held at the Centre of Studies of Alpine Environment placed in the heart of the Dolomite Mountains, a zone of outstanding universal value among UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Online registration is open until 15th of August and a maximum of 25 participants will be accepted according to CV and expressed motivation.

For more information and early registration discount, please consult the website.

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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