Job vacancies at Thünen Institute

Thursday, 20 August, 2015 - 16:31

Two job vacancies at the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Hamburg, Germany within the interdisciplinary research project “LaForeT-Landscape Forestry in the Tropics” which will be implemented in different countries across the tropics.

They are searching for:

  • Research Scientist to engage in Forest Governance in the Tropics:
    a forest scientist with specialisation in social or political topics or a graduate in social, political or related disciplines, with experience in tropical forestry. Within the interdisciplinary research project “LaForeT-Landscape Forestry in the Tropics” the applicant will conduct governance and PES (payments for environmental services) assessments either in Ecuador or in the Philippines. He or she will evaluate governance data. The work will be conducted in close collaboration with another scientist who will assess similar data in the other of the two countries evaluating PES data. 
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  • Research Scientist to engage in Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) of Tropical Forests:
    r a forest scientist with specialisation in economic topics or a graduate in economics or related disciplines, with experience in tropical forestry. Within the interdisciplinary research project “LaForeT-Landscape Forestry in the Tropics” the applicant will conduct PES and governance assessments either in Ecuador or in the Philippines. He or she will evaluate PES data. The work will be conducted in close collaboration with another scientist who will assess similar data in the other of the two countries evaluating governance data. 
The engagements are limited to four years and 75 % of the regular weekly working time. The positions includes the possibility to work on a PhD thesis.
  • Interested candidates should send their applications (including motivation letter, CV, list of publications, copies of relevant certificates, names and addresses of personal references) before 23. August 2015 to
Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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