
It is widely appreciated that insufficient investment is being made in conserving biodiversity, andthat innovative approaches are required for generating the additional financial support required for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity.The need for additional resources arises from the imbalance between a country's need for capacity building and provision of basic infrastructure for conserving biodiversity on the one hand, and the ability of the country to mobilize resources on the other. Resources can be augmented through existing mechanisms such as the fiscal system, user...
Este documento se elaboró en el marco del Proyecto: “Desafíos y propuestas para una implementación más efectiva de instrumentos económicos en la gestión ambiental en América Latina y El Caribe”, desarrollado por la División de Medio Ambiente y Asentamientos Humanos de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, CEPAL.El estudio se orientó por las siguientes preguntas generales:¿Cómo se explica la evolución de la política ambiental del país hacia laaplicación de instrumentos económicos?¿Qué factores están presentes en la aplicación exitosa de estos instrumentos en Costa Rica?, ¿...
Este docuemento contiene como se formo COBINABE, cuales son sus estrategias y sus objetivos. También hace una descripción de la cuenca del Río Bermejo. Los logros en Argentina y los logros en Bolivia.
Se presenta un diagnóstico de la situación forestal en Costa Rica y la transición de la etapa de deforestación y deterioro, a la etapa de reforestación. Se hace un análisis de la evolución de las leyes forestales, de la creación de entidades como el Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal, y de la aplicación y beneficios de los instrumentos económicos e incentivos otorgados para la reforestación del país. Se presentan casos específicos de la instrumentación del pago de servicios ambientales previstos en la Ley Forestal (carbono, agua, biodiversidad y belleza escénica) y de la...
Desde finales de los años ochenta el tema de la biodiversidad ha adquirido más prominencia, como lo ilustra la Cumbre de la Tierra y la adopción del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. Más o menos una década después, se está completando en países en desarrollo la primera generación de proyectos ‘sensibles a la biodiversidad’. Ha llegado el momento de pasar revista a los avances para entrar a elaborar directrices sobre mejores prácticas que se puedan utilizar a la hora de diseñar e ejecutar programas y proyectos futuros.Este informe, coherente con la política de la CE de integrar...
Most of the land in developing and developed countries is privately owned. When privatelandowners make decisions on land use, other stakeholders are affected. How can we design andfund financial mechanisms that encourage landowners to manage their resources in a manner thatbenefits society? This article reflects on the experiences of KfW in supporting such mechanisms inLatin America, a continent that has been particularly active in developing innovative approaches toconservation. It identifies three major challenges – the institutional requirements of setting up such mechanisms, the...
Much of what is written about local institutions for natural resource management in the developing world is more an exercise in celebration than in analysis. That said, it cannot be denied that rural communities in various places have managed to establish their own arrangements for handling environmental conflicts that, left unresolved, would diminish agricultural output, the quality of forest management, and so forth. Hayami (1990), for example, calls our attention to the contributions that local rules for water allocation have made to irrigated rice production in Southeast and East Asia...
This publication is intended to be a living document through the associated website at Protected area financing is now core business for protected area managers, and the body of knowledge is rapidly expanding. As protected area managers come to grips with the challenge of financing their protected areas, case studies and written material will be developed which add to the collective body of knowledge. Whether positive or negative, such experience is an important learning tool and should be made available for others. Accordingly these Guidelines will be updated as new...
Part I gives an overview of how the economic values of protected areas can be assessed, provide new insights and inform the debate. The case studies in Part II identify those sites whereprotecting the environment has made a significant contribution to the economy – increasing national wealth, national incomes and levels of national economic output.Public policy has a broad focus on the welfare of the community, and much work has been done by economists systematising the evaluation of welfare benefits from protected areas. The current political process largely focuses, however, on the...
Trends in natural resource exploitation and consumption patterns have increased the needfor resource conservation and pollution control in the South Pacific. The need for greater government resources, implied by the intensification of environmental management, has coincided with budgetary restraints in the South Pacific that have often been severe.Economic (as opposed to command and control) instruments are of increasing interestbecause they possess the potential to shift from government to producers or consumersthe onus to comply with environmental measures. In this paper, argument about...

