
In natural resource management research, best practice implies the participation of community members, research or development teams, and other stakeholders to jointly identify research, development parameters, and contribute to decision-making. Ideally, the research or development process itself generates a situation of empowerment in which participants transform their vision and become able to take effective action. Used increasingly widely in resource management, this process is known as participatory development communication (PDC).This book presents conceptual and methodological...
Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla national parks are home to 300 endangeredmountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla berengi) and to significant biodiversity. That habitat was once seriously threatened by economic exploitation, but now enjoys local-level conservation support. This results from a concerted effort to enhance the local economy, while demonstrating how biodiversity conservation factors into the socio-economic development equation.In 1991 the Government of Uganda changed the status of Mgahinga and Bwindi from forest reserves to national parks, giving them greater...
Quito and its neighboring towns and villages, among the country's most populated regions, receive their water supply form the high plateaus of the Andean mountain range. Some of these watersheds are located inside protected areas, such as the Antisana and Caymabe-Coca Ecological Reserves, and the Cotopaxi and Sumaco National Parks that together comprise the Condor Bioreserve. Although in good condition and abundant at the source in these protected areas, this water does not enjoy unlimited or permanent availability - it needs protection.Threats to the watersheds come from a variet yof...
El pago por la protección de la cobertura vegetal para garantizar el flujo y calidad del agua ha sido el fundamento de diferentes iniciativas en curso en Colombia y Ecuador. A pesar del auge de este tipo de iniciativas, no se ha realizado una evaluación o discusión sobre las lecciones que comienzan a arrojar estas experiencias. Con el ánimo de aportar a la discusión, el documento presenta algunas conclusiones preliminares reconociendo que todavia son pocas las experiencias y de pocos años de duración: Debemos hablar del pago por la protección de los servicios ambientales, no por los...
This paper presents the findings of a brief study conducted under Phase I of a global initiative ofthe U.K. Department for International Development, Developing markets for watershedprotection services and improved livelihoods, which is being implemented by the InternationalInstitute for Environment and Development (IIED) in collaboration with local partners. Theproject is summarised at Appendix 1. Grenada is a three-island state. The hydrological andinstitutional issues for watershed management for the larger island of Grenada and the smallislands of Petit Martinique and Cariacou are...
The idea for the FMCN had its origin at the June 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. During this summit, Kathryn S. Fuller, President of World Wildlife Fund-U.S. (WWF) met with Carlos Salinas de Gortari, then the President of Mexico. They agreed on the principle that biodiversity conservation in Mexico was a responsibility to be shared by both the U.S. and Mexico and that a permanent, autonomous organization was needed in Mexico to guarantee stable financing for conservation projects. By several measures, Mexico is one of the most biologically...
This is a case study about the evolution of thinking in Bolivia on how to attain sustainability of theirprotected area network. It is an interesting story because it addresses so many elements of what isrequired to achieve sustainability in addition to just finances. As a country with one of the richestbiodiversity heritages in the world, Bolivia also faces a great array of protected area threats ranging from mining to deforestation (400,000 Ha./yr), agriculture (including coca), and uncontrolled fires.Bolivia has now adopted the principle of “Parks with People”. Forty thousand people in...
This case study discusses how Costa Rica was able to reverse this trend, mainly during the period 1994- 1998. Although a policy and financial planning process was not undertaken as such, certain elements of these will be highlighted as lessons learned. This exercise may help other countries recognize and grasp political, technical and financial opportunities as they occur.
Trinidad and Tobago are the southernmost islands of the Caribbean archipelago, and are geologically an extension of the South American continent. Trinidad is separated from Venezuela by the seven (7) mile straits of the Gulf of Paria. The area of Trinidad is 4828 km2 while Tobago is 300 km2. The economy of Trinidad is based on oil production and light manufacturing. The island of Tobago has an economy based largely on Caribbean beach-centred tourism and fishing. The per capita GDP of the twin island republic is US$9,500 (est. 20002).Much of the flora and fauna of Trinidad is closely...
This study examines a variety of innovative benefit-sharing mechanisms implemented in Suriname and demonstrates how they can be used in connection with bioprospecting to promote biodiversity conservation. The project started in 1993 and is expected to provide a long-term compensation sharing mechanism for revenues arising out of genetic resources and ethnobotanical knowledge.

