
Presentación del proyecto Quesungual y sus avances dentro del marco del Programa Reto para el Agua y la Alimentación.
This volume summarizes more than 100 case studies prepared especially for this groundbreaking conference. As you proceed through the agenda over the next two days, we invite you to consult the summaries as a quick way of gaining multiple perspectives on the cases under discussion in the conference sessions. Reviewing cases in the same sector, country, or region as the featured case may lead you to unexpected insights.Section 1 offers summaries of 13 country case studies deemed especially noteworthy by the conference organizers because progress reducing poverty has been achieved at the...
The UNESCO Science Report 2005 takes us on a world tour. Through the eyes of an international team of experts, it analyses the current state of science around the globe. What new trends have emerged since the previous report was published in 1998? What events have helped toreshape the scientific enterprise? For example, what has been the impact on science of the Stability Pact for South-East Europe adopted in 1999, the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) launched by the African Union in 2001, and the enlargement of the European Union from 15 to 25 Member States in 2004? What...
This case study explains how an NGO International Development Enterprises (IDE) goes about the task of technology development and promotion, and how it has built up and improved on this in two technological sectors. The focus of the case is IDE’s efforts to introduce a new type of packaging material fro tomatoes in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. IDE describes its core strengths and philosophy as “to improve the social, economic and environmental conditions of India’s small and marginal farm families by identifying, and developing and marketing affordable, appropriate and...
This paper offers both a descriptive assessment and empirical analysis of the place of technology research and development in climate adaptation research and planning. Insights into the assumed role of technology are developed through a review of the published literature and recent commentary. The role of technological innovation in the handling of climatic risks is then explored empirically in an analysis of innovation research and development in the Ontario soybean industry. This reveals an array of technological innovations that have helped Ontario soybean-growers manage climatic...
The agriculture sector is one of the most sensitive areas of discussion and negotiation at the international economic fora. The world’s share of labour in this sector is among the highest. The structure of the sector is dynamic as well as being one of the mystique areas waiting for the economists to explore. The concepts of Systems of Innovation have been mostly concentrated on manufacturing, production and technological innovation. This article deals with the application of the concepts to the agriculture sector by trying to look at the agriculture, in different way, as a holistic system...
Glänzel & Schoepflin relections on what they define as a crisis affecting scientometrics is certainly achallenge to all of us committed to its development. What is more, the cogitation does not merelydenounce the growing weadnesses that can be recognized within the stupendous endeavour involved inthe objectivation of the act that generates authenticated knowiedge. In addition to this diagnosis, Glänzet& Schoepflin present some taks that, if adopted coliectively, could heip to overcome some of thedeterminants that read to what they judge as crisis of the field.
Knowledge-intensive services are among the fastest growing and dynamic sectors of the economy. Succeeding in developing innovations is considered as one of the most essential success factors in knowledge-intensive services. Therefore, innovations in knowledge-intensive services are an interesting and a widely studied issue. However, the subject is still very disorganised and confusing. This paper presents a classification of knowledge-intensive services. In addition, the objective of the paper is to present a brief review of research related to innovations in knowledge-intensive services.
This paper investigates, theoretically and empirically, a possibly fundamental aspect of technological progress. If knowledge accumulates as technology progresses, then successive generations of innovators may face an increasing educational burden. Innovators can compensate in their education by seeking narrower expertise, but narrowing expertise will reduce their individual capacities, with implications for the organization of innovative activity - a greater reliance on teamwork - and negative implications for growth. I develop a formal model of this "knowledge burden mechanism" and...
This paper Presents an analysis of endogenous institutional innovations that have recently emerget in the agoindustrial zone of Chincha, on the coast of Peru. These innovation have included: (1) contracts between agroindustrial firm and large farmers, intrudeced by the firms themselves to assure timely delivery and compliance with strict requeriments implied by the emerging demanding quality and safety standards for agro-export of processed asparagus; (2) managemet services exchanged for labor supervision and land collateral in share tenancy contracts between a management company a "...
